CBIP Building +91-8826434222

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Krishna Kanta Panthi

Department of Geoscience and Petroleum (IGP),Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Norwegian Method of Tunnelling for a Sustainable and Cost Effective Tunnelling in the Himalaya.

Prof. Dr Ömer Aydan

Ömer Aydan obtained his BSc degree in Mining Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, in 1979 and MSc degree in Rock Mechanics and Excavation Engineering from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1982, and his PhD in Rock Mechanics from Nagoya University, Japan, in 1989.

Damage to rock engineering structures by the February 2023 Great Earthquakes Hit Türkiye and some implicatons on their seismic design.

Dr. Nick Barton

Dr. Nick Barton is
International consultant: rock engineering, tunnelling, hydropower, metro, nuclear waste research, EDZ, fractured reservoirs. Non-linear rock joint behaviour, JRC, JCS, dilation, permeability, pre-grouting, jointed rock mass behaviour, non-linear shear strength criteria.

Celebrating 50 years of Q system development for infrastructure design and follow-up.

Dr. Ki-Bok Min

Dr. Ki-Bok Min
- Vice President Asia (ISRM) and Professor, Geomechanics, Department of Energy Resources Engineering (Department Head) College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea (Republic of)

Anisotropic Rock Mechanics: The State of the Art.

Prof. K S Rao,

Prof. K S Rao, Emeritus Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Geotechnical Characterisation and Stability Assessment of Mine Dumps

Dr. H.S. Venkatesh

Dr. H.S. Venkatesh, Director & Head, Excavation Engineering, National Institute of Rock Mechanics

Blasting a boon for Sustainable Infrastructure Development

Prof. Debasis Deb

Prof. Debasis Deb , Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur

Rocha Medal 2024-Awardee

Dr Kazuki Sawayama

Assistant Professor
Institute for Geothermal Science, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Franklin Lecturer 2024

Dr Vikram Vishal

Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay